Our Process
Our standardized 5-stage project model is the fundamental platform for any work we do, including the following:
Frame The
Collaborate with you to frame the assignment(s) so we move in the right direction and have a point of contact to help guide and ensure our tasks align with your desired expectations.
Baseline Assessment & Envision SOAR
By defining your baseline data/case studies, reviewing your Strengths-Opportunities-Aspirations-Results (SOAR), we will have transparent facts to help us make viable recommendations for continuous improvement.
Hear from
You & Your Stakeholders
As we gather data and formulate a strategic path forward, there may be instances where we will need to integrate input from your internal and external stakeholders, on their experiences and insight.
Level Set & Create SmartVision Action Plan
Having consensus on a strategic action plan is essential if an organization expects to achieve its mission and goals. We help customize your SmartVision plan through thoughtful and explicit dialogue, research, and prioritization. You are involved every step of the way.
What We
Learned & Heard
We funnel the information we digest through the earlier stages of this project protocol through an output mechanism that prioritizes the data. Once this information is in hand, we sit down with you to level set and produce a smartVision Action Plan, specifically tailored toward achieving your specific goals.